About the Centre
Research Areas

Additive Manufacturing, Machining of Superalloys, Optimization, Composite Materials

Research Overview
Research Projects
Title Sponsoring Agency Sanctioned Year Cost (in Lakhs) Status
Development and characterization of multi-material structures through wire-based direct energy deposition (DED) for structural applications Vel Tech - SEED 2024 1.0 On-Going
Development, characterization, and machinability studies on Nano reinforced polymer fibre metal laminates Vel Tech - SEED 2023 1.5 On-Going
High strain rate characterization of additive manufacturing materials for ballistic loading applications DST-SERB 2021 18.3 On-Going
Fabrication, mechanical properties, and machinability studies of shape memory alloy (NiTi) fibre reinforced nano filled metal-intermetallic laminates Vel Tech - SEED 2018 1.9 Completed
National/International Collaboration
Research Facilities

Dr. D. RAJAMANI, Ph.D. (Centre Head)
Professor (Research), Department of Mechanical Engineering
Email: [email protected]
Mobile: +91 9159150299

PhD Scholars
  1. T. Subesh
  2. A. Vasudevan
B. Tech Students
  1. K. Nagendra
  2. P. Govardhan
  3. Y. Surya Prasad