- Internet facility is only to support academic and research activities for the members of the Library only, at a stretch of ONE HOUR per day.
- Members should submit the Identity Card at Counter and collect the same after browsing.
- All the computers are equipped with the Electronic Surveillance Software to detect the Internet sites visited and searched by each user.
- Maintain silence while working in the Digital Library.
- Do not change any accessories and tools of the computer.
- Downloading / installation of any software is strictly prohibitted.
- Do not bring any personal computer gadget inside the Digital Library.
- In case of any computer operational or access problem, report to the Digital Library in-charge.
- Access to the Social media/ Chatting/ Gaming software on computers is strictly prohibited and strict disciplinary action will be taken against the defaulters.
- Users are not allowed to share their net access ID and Password with other students.
Central Library
The Central Library of Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology consist of printed books (26000+ titles with 1Lakh+ of Volumes), journals, magazines, back volumes and e-resources in the field of Science, Engineering, Technology, Law, Multimedia, Management and Humanities. The Central Library is fully automated with “AutoLib Library Management Software” and well supported by RFID Technology. The Central Library is built on an area of 2415 sq.m with a seating capacity of 500+.
The Central Library is also equipped with e-books of renowned publishers such as, McGraw Hill, Proquest, and Pearson. To enhance the research, in addition to the e-books, the library is subscribing SCOPUS and Web of Science database. The subscription of e-journals such as IEEE, ASME, ASCE and J-GATE acts as a boon to the members to upgrade themselves. The Central Library is in possession of 20 Kindles and the members are privileged to borrow the same to access the e-resources. The air-conditioned digital library enhance the user community to dwell inside the digital library to explore the electronic resources with great comfort. The remote access facilities of the electronic resources play vital role to access the electronic resources around the clock. The Central Library is a member of Shodhganga, E-Shodh Sindhu, National Digital Library of India and DELNET. The Central Library is facilitated to detect plagiarism through Urkund and Turnitin software. Central Library working hours are 07:30 AM to 08:00 PM. including all Saturdays and Sundays and except Public Holidays.

About Library
The Central Library is functioning with 6 bays (viz., School of Computing, School of Electrical & Communications, School of Mechanical & Constructions, School of Science & Humanities, School of Management Studies and School of Law / Multimedia) is located in Room No. 2130, 2230, 2330, 2430, 8300 and 36002.
The Central Library is following Open Access System. All the Students, Faculty Members, Research Scholars and Non-teaching staff are privileged to borrow books from the Central Library. The borrowing privileges are as follows:
1 | UG STUDENTS | 6 | 14 DAYS |
2 | PG STUDENTS | 6 | 28 DAYS |
4 | TEACHING STAFF | 6 | 42 DAYS |
The Central Library is kept open throughout the year except Public Holidays. The working hours of the Central Library is as follows:
ALL WORKING DAYS 7.30 a.m. – 8.00 p.m.
3rd SATURDAYS & ALL SUNDAYS 9.00 a.m. – 4.00 p.m.
- Members are requested to keep their belongings / bags (other than valuables) at the shelves provided.
- Register your Gate Entry in the Computer System kept near the entrance of the Library.
- Members are asked to maintain silence in the Library.
- Do not use mobile phone to speak inside the Library.
- Avoid mutilation, scribbling, marking or cause damage on any resources of the library. If found, members should to pay the penalty and further disciplinary action will be initiated against them by the Institution.
- Members shall not bring personal belongings and borrowed books to the reading area and stack area.
- Books will be issued only on valid ID card.
- Books borrowed must be returned or renewed on or before the due date.
- Upon renewals, books must be physically presented, if there are no reservations.
- Members are requested to verify the physical condition of the books before borrowing.
- Overdue charges will be collected for the late return of books as per rules in force.
- One day National Seminar on “Web Resources in Academic Excellence” was conducted on 5th Jan 2013
- Webinar programme on Springer Link was conducted on 14th Feb 2013
- Organized IEEE Xplore Users Awareness Programme on 13th Aug 2013
- Organized and conducted a Programme on Resources of Scopus in Library Services on 4th Feb 2014
- Conducted J-Gate User Orientation Program on 11th Mar 2014
- User’s Awareness Programme on Springer link conducted on 22nd Dec 2014
- Conducted one day National seminar on “Knowledge Management in Digital Era: Opportunities and Challenges” on 27th Feb 2016
- One week Library users Orientation Programme was conducted in between 9th June 2017 to 7th July 2017
- Conducted one day work shop on“ J-Gate Plus “ on 30th Oct 2017
- NDLI USER AWARENESS SESSION conducted on 06-28-21
- One day seminar on “Web of Science”, Resource Person: Dr. Subhasree, Clarivate Analytics conducted on 07-09-21
- One day Webinar on “Integrating Scopus in your Research Work Flow” conducted on 07-10-21
- One day Webinar on “Pearson E – Books” conducted on 07-11-21
- Webinar on “AICTE Scholarship/Fellowship/Internship schemes for the students of UG/Diploma/PG AICTE, New Delhi” conducted on 09-16-21
- One day webinar on “Design Thinking and User Experience in Libraries : A Primer”, Resource Person: Dr. Dhanashree Date, Global Head, IRC, TCS conducted on 10-30-21.
- International Webinar on “Open Access from MPLA and TSLA on occasion of library week from Telegana and Madhya Pradesh Library Association” conducted on 11-14-21.
- One day seminar on “Our Planet is on Danger-Designed for academic researchers at all stages” conducted on 11-16-21.
- TPS-IIC-DELNET Online Programme on “Timeless Mystical Poetry” organised by DELNET on 11-17-21.
- DELNET Book Talk on “Teach to Enrich”, Resource Person: Ms. Sonia Vikas Kapoor, DELNET conducted on 11-20-21.
- DELNET Webinar on “Netiquette for Online Communication : Golden Rules”, Resource Person: Sangeeta Kaul, DELNET conducted on 11-30-21
- DELNET Webinar on “Netiquette for Online Communication : Golden Rules”, Resource Person: Sangeeta Kaul, DELNET conducted on 11-30-21
- The Journey of an Entrepreneur conducted by NDLI Club Team on 01-07-2022
- Afternoons with an Author “Turmoil in Punjab:” Before and After Blue Star” conducted by NDLI Club Team on 31-07-2022
- Role of Indian Foreign Service I International Relations conducted by NDLI Club Team on 19-08-2022
- Power of Story Telling in Facing Interviews conducted by NDLI Club Team on 23-09-2022
- Afternoons with an Author “Aks” conducted by NDLI Club Team on 25-09-2022
- KNIMBUS conducted by VTU LIBRARY on 19-10-2022
- DELNET Annual Lecture by Mr Peter Bac, conducted by DELNET on 15-11-2022
- DELNET Webinar on Research & Publication Ethics: Role of Librarian conducted by DELNET on 30-11-2022
Sl. No. | Name and Designation | Constitution |
1 | Prof. Dr. Rajat Gupta, Vice Chancellor | Chairman |
2 | Prof. Dr. E. Kannan, Registrar | Member |
3 | Prof. A. T. Ravichandran, Dean – Academics | Member |
4 | Prof. Dr. M. Sivakumar, Dean, Freshman Engineering | Member |
5 | Prof. Dr. S. Valarmathi, Dean, SoEC | Member |
6 | Dr. Chokkalingam S. P., Dean, SoC | Member |
7 | Prof. Dr. M. S. R. Mariappan, Dean, School of Management | Member |
8 | Prof. Dr. M. Rajeev Kumar, Dean, QA | Member |
9 | Prof. Dr. P. Chandrakumar, Dean, Ind. Rel. & TBI | Member |
10 | Prof. Dr. P. Suresh, Dean International | Member |
11 | Prof. Dr. K. Nithyanandam, (Former Director of Central Library, Anna University) President, Madras Library Association | External Member |
12 | Dr. S. JeyaPrakash, University Librarian | Convener |
1 | Dr. S. JeyaPrakash, M.L.I.S., Ph.D. | Chief Librarian |
2 | Dr. M. Mohan Kumar, M.L.I.S., M.Phil., Ph.D. | Librarian |
3 | Mr. V. Narasimmaraghavan, B.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil. | Assistant Librarian (Senior) |
4 | Mr. S. Parasuraman, M.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil. | Assistant Librarian (Senior) |
5 | Mr. P.G. Damodharan, M.A., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil. | Assistant Librarian (Senior) |
6 | Mr. Chandrasekar,M.Sc., M.L.I.Sc., M.Phil. | Assistant Librarian (Senior) |
7 | Mr. V. R. Karunagaran, | Assistant Librarian |
8 | Mr. V. Venkatesan, B.A.,B.L.I.Sc. | Library Assistant |
Central Library collection
1. BOOKS | a)Total no.of Books(Print)(Titles-26302) | 108612 |
b)Total no.of Ph.D Theses | 122 | |
c)Book Bank | 473 | |
d)E-Books | 70573 | |
2. National & International Journal (Print) | a)Subscribtion Indian Journals | 112 |
b)Back Volume | 6528 | |
c)Magazine- 40 & NewsPapers- 13 | 53 | |
3. E-Journals | a)IEEE –ASPP | 244 |
b) ASME | 31 | |
c) ASCE | 39 | |
d)J-Gate (Engineering & Management) | 57083 | |
e)DELNET | 5000+ | |
4. E-Database | a) Scopus | 4585 |
b) Web of Science | 1980 | |
5. Non-Print Materials | a) CD’S | 4220 |
b) Kindles | 20 |
Digital Library
The Digital Library is fully air-conditioned and consists of 90 latest configuration computer systems. It acts as a boon to the members to explore the following e-contents to enhance their knowledge.
- e- books : McGraw Hill, Proquest, Pearson, etc.,
- e- Journals : IEEE, ASCE, ASME, CDJ Law , J-Gate, etc.,
- e-database : SCOPUS and Web of Science
- Open Access : E-Books, E-Journals and Video Lectures
- MOOC : NPTEL, SWAYAM, Coursera, EDX, Udemy and Allison
- Previous e-question papers and e-projects through the module of Institutional Repository
Resource Sharing
Central Library is a member of various library networks, to facilitate sharing of resources. Some of these networks are:
- National Digital Library (NDL)
- British Council Division, Chennai
- Anna University, Chennai
Indian Academy of Science Journals
Directory of Open Access Journals
National Digital Library (NDL)
National Science Digital Library
Electronic Resources for Mathameticians Science
Free On-line Chemistry journals
Taylor & Francis Open Access Journals
International Network for the Availability of Scientific Publications (INASP)
Scientific Research Publications
National Preservation Office – NPO
Nature Proceedings – Preprint server for the Life Science community.
OMICS Publishing Group – Open Access Journals
Open Access Library (OALIB) – Free Access to 263,388 Academic Articles
Open Science Directory – Developed by EBSCO and the Hasselt University Library
Palgrave Macmillan – Open Access Journals
Physics related free access journals
Public Library of Science – premier open-access journals in Biology and Medicine
Social Science Research Network (SSRN) – Worldwide dissemination of social science research.
Springer Open gives you free access in Science, Technology and Medicine.
Sikkim Express (Gangtok and Darjeeling)
U Nongsain Hima (Meghalaya, in Khasi)
Institutional Repository
Chief Librarian,
Vel Tech Rangarajan Dr. Sagunthala R & D Institute of Science and Technology
400 Feet Outer Ring Road, Avadi, Chennai – 600 062, Tamil Nadu, India.
E-mail. chieflibrarian@veltech.edu.in